Themes from VBS Past

Here’s a walk down memory lane for all you veteran VBS directors out there. How many of these do you remember? Here we are attempting to put together a list of as many of the past VBS programs we can remember.  This is just a start. We’re still missing the Group programs from the 1990’s

Can you help us add to the list of past VBS programs?

Lifeway VBS Themes

1988: Living for Jesus
1989: Let’s Gather for Vacation Bible School
1990: Share Hope
1991: Celebrate Jesus
1992: Fantastic Journey
1993: Summer Shine
1994: Trail of Treasures
1995: Windows on the World
1996: Go For the Gold
1997: Good News Stampede
1998: StarQuest
1999: Mt. Extreme
2000: Ocean Odyssey
2001: Truth Trackers
2002: Amazon Outfitters
2003: The Great Kingdom Caper
2004: Rickshaw Rally
2005: Ramblin’ Road Trip

2006: Arctic Edge
2007: Game Day Central
2008: Outrigger Island
2009: Boomerang Express
2010: Saddle Ridge Ranch
2011: Big Apple Adventure
2012: Amazing Wonders
2013: Colossal Coaster World
2014: Agency D3
2016: Submerged
2018: Game On!

Group Publishing VBS Themes

1996: Vacation Bible Ship
1997: Wild Frontier
1998: Space Mission Bible Camp
1999: Treasure Hunt Bible Adventure
2000: HolyWord Studios
2001: Polar Expedition
2002: Bug Safari
2003: SCUBA
2004: Lava Lava Island
2005: Serengeti Trek, Jerusalem Marketplace
2006: Fiesta, Bethlehem Village
2007: Avalanche Ranch, Galilee By the Sea
2008: Power Lab, Jerusalem Marketplace
2009: Crocodile Dock, Rome

2010: High Seas Expedition, Egypt
2011: PandaMania, Hometown Nazareth
2012: Sky, Babylon
2013: Kingdom Rock, Athens, Hayday
2014: Weird Animals – Where Jesus’ Love Is One-of-a-Kind, Wilderness Escape – Where God Guides & Provides, Blast Off – Launching Kids on a Mission of God’s Love
2015: Everest – Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power, Cross Culture VBS – Thailand Trek, Outback Rock – Where Kids Venture Into Solid Faith, Hometown Nazareth – Where Jesus was a Kid
2016: Cave Quest – Following Jesus, the Light of the World, Egypt – Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace, Cross Culture VBS – Expedition Norway, Pets Unleashed – Where Jesus Cares ‘Fur’ You
2019: Roar
2020: Rocky Railway
2021: Treasured
2022: Monumental
2023: Stellar
2024: Scuba

Other VBS Publishers

We first started this list with the intention of only recording LifeWay and Group themes, but the response has been overwhelming. Thanks to our super smart customers and friends, we’re gonna start our list of other VBS themes from all the publishers we can find. Comment below to add your memories and favorites to this ultimate list of VBS themes from years gone by.

Cokesbury VBS Themes
2013: Everywhere Fun Fair – Where God’s World Comes Together
2014: Workshop of Wonders – Imagine & Build with God
2015: G-Force – God’s Love in Action
2016: Surf Shack – Catch the Wave of God’s Amazing Love
2017: Hero Central
2018: Rolling River Rampage

Concordia VBS Themes
2014: Gangway to Galileo – Amazing Grace Adventures
2015: Camp Discovery – Jesus at Work Through Us
2016: Barnyard Roundup – Jesus Gathers Us Together, ¡Sopresa! – El Camino del Perdón
2017: Mighty Fortress
2018: Splash Canyon

Standard Publishing VBS Themes
1989: Joy Trek – A Journey with Jesus through time and space
2000: Road Rally Praises
2005 – Construction Zone – Building Character Like Jesus
2007: Take the Plunge with Jesus
2012: Adventures on Promise Island – Where Kids Discover God’s Lifesaving Love!
2013: God’s Backyard Bible Camp – Under the Sun/Under the Stars
2014: Jungle Safari – Where Kids Explore the Nature of God
2015: Bible Blast to the Past – Discover God’s Everlasting Love
2016: Deep Sea Discovery – God is With Me Wherever I Go

Gospel Light VBS Themes
1991: Sonward Ho
1992: Son Mountain
1993: Amazing Journey to Bible Times
1994: Son Farm
1995: Sontown
1996: Kingdom of th Son
1997: Sonrise
1998: Sonlight Island
1999: SonCastle Faire
2001: Soncreek Junction
2002: SonCanyon River
2003: SonHarvest
2004: SonGames
2005: Kingdom of the Son ( repeat)
2006: SonTreasure Island
2008: Sonworld Adventure Park
2009: SonRock Kids Camp
2014: SonTreasure Island, SonWest Roundup
2015: Son Spark Labs – Discovering God’s Plan 4U=Jesus!, SonRise National Park

Answers VBS Themes
2014: International Spy Academy – Agents for the One True God
2015: Camp Kilimanjaro – An Epic Expedition Through Proverbs
2016: Ocean Commotion – Diving Into Noah’s Flood
2017: Operation Arctic
2018: Time Lab

RBP VBS Themes
2014: Arrow Island – Choosing God’s Way
2015: To The Edge – Encounter the God of the Universe
2016: Cow-A-Bungalow Farm – Growin’ With Our Faithful God
2017: Over the Moat
2018: Camp Moose on the Loose

Bogard Press VBS Themes
2014: Cross Canyon Trail
2015: Camp Courageous
2016: The Conquerors
2017: The Redeemer2018: Jungle River Adventure

Abingdon Press VBS Themes
2015: Shining Star – See the Jesus in Me
2016: Joy In Jesus – Everywhere! All The Time!
2017: Super God! Super Me! Super Possibility!

Spanish VBS Themes
2015: Underwater Quest

Mega Sports Camp VBS Themes
2014: Game Plan
2015: Get Ready
2016: Epic Moments
2017: Conquer the Day
2018: Team Spirit

Jeff Slaughter VBS Themes
2014: Scavenger Hunt
2015: Run Run
2016: Tree House

VBS Mission Project VBS Themes
2016: VBS Missions – Change For Life

Go Fish Resources
2014: Shine
2017: Victory

Orange VBS Themes
2017: Gadgets & Gizmos
2018: Amped
121 comments on “Themes from VBS Past
  1. T O says:

    I have a cassette tape from when I was a kid that had a “Sea of Galilee” theme, but I do not remember the name.

    Songs included:

    “Gonna Go Fishing” (down by the sea, gonna go fishing, Jesus and me, gonna go fishing on Galilee, down by the banks of the sea…)

    “Fish are Gonna Bite”
    “We are your Children” (this was a ballad style song, but was our closer)

    Mid to late 90’s

  2. Michael says:

    Here’s a full list of Standard Publishing from 1996 til they stopped doing VBS in 2016:

    1996- Jesus’ Kids
    1997- Promise Builders
    1998- Hooked On Jesus
    1999- We Shine For Jesus
    2000- In The Race with Jesus
    2001- Jesus To The Rescue
    2002- Faith Mountain
    2003- Treasures Of The Nile
    2004- Jesus Helps You Power Up
    2005- Construction Zone
    2006- Trading Places
    2007- Take The Plunge
    2008- God’s Big Backyard
    2009- Studio Go! Game Show
    2010- Hero Headquarters
    2011- Inside Out and Upside Down on Main Street
    2012- Adventures On Promise Island
    2013- God’s Backyard Bible Camp (not to be confused with 2008 lol)
    2014- Jungle Safari
    2015- Bible Blast To The Past
    2016- Deep Sea Discovery

    Side note: I have all the music for these except 1999, 2000, and 2002. If anyone has copies of these I’d love to get a copy 🙂

    After 2016 we switched over to Answers in Genesis. I’ve been directing VBS since 2015, hard to believe it’ll be 10 years in 2025!!

  3. Teresa b says:

    Someone did Rickshaw Rally. We loved it, but they got a lot of negative feedback on it.

  4. Jacob Allen says:

    I have been looking everywhere for the preschool CD for VBS 2002: Amazon Outfitters, I had it when I was younger but its been lost for years now. I had such fond memories of that CD and would love to get my hands on another copy, I have looked on Ebay and elsewhere, and unfortunately got scammed on Amazon. If anyone has ANY information on this CD and who might carry it, I would be very appreciative. Thank you and God Bless.

  5. Sarah says:

    I’m looking for two songs: one of them is called something like “friends forever” About being friends like Jonathan and David, and I could’ve sworn it was Gospel Light’s Son Canyon River but it’s not apparently. And also something with the lyrics of “when Jesus came walking and Jesus came talking, saying do not be afraid…the lord is my shepherd I shall not be afraid”. I just want to know what they’re from! Thank you

    • Pam Reed says:

      That Friends Forever is from the Son Canyon River Adventure VBS curricuulm by Gospel Light. It’s song #4 on the CD

  6. Kimberly says:

    I am looking for The Great Comeback. My kids and I loved the music and I would like to purchase the songs.

    • Cheryl sharpr says:

      I am looking for Gospel Light VBS 2000, God’s Plan 4 You. I love the music and have lost the cd.

    • Francisco Fernandez Jr says:

      i am really looking for the complete lyrics of the song Star Quest a Galactic Goodnews and We Are Traveler’s. I think I was 10years old that time but still I can’t forget till now the great experience and inspiring music

  7. The VBS curriculums are so awe-inspiring. I particularly liked Gospel Lights,2013 Colossal World. I wish that I had the beautiful pictures from the five lessons.

  8. Does anyone remember a VBS that had a song about the 7 C’s of History? My kids are in their late teens and early 20’s and still remember it but not well enough for me to teach it to my current Sunday School class. We are learning about the 7 C’s now and would love to teach them that song. It says “ Creation, corruption, catastrophe, confusion, Christ and the cross…. Consummation is the final C” …

    • Debby says:

      Got to be answers in genesis. Not sure what year but 7 cs is definitely them.

    • Christi says:

      Sorry I’m probably too late, but that was Answers VBS very first year: Amazon Expedition in 2012. I have fond memories of helping with that one as a teenager.

    • Mo says:

      Sounds wonderful. I would certainly want to teach this theme to my youths. I await a response too.

    • Miles says:

      Its most likely from Answers in Genesis, I know your comment is from 2023, however, the current theme: The Great Jungle Journey has a song that does the 7 Cs of history. I can look through youtube to see what your looking for!

  9. Robin Bordwine says:

    I am searching for the Planning and Music Disc Set for God’s Backyard Bible Camp.

    • Abby says:

      I know it’s a few months late, but that sounds like something from Answers in Genesis, so I would look at their past VBS songs.

  10. Jeannette Adams says:

    I am looking for the curriculum that goes withe the 1997 VBS published by Gospel Light titled “Sonrise Balloon Adventure”,
    A High Flying Adventure In Faith,” I want to use this for our Church VBS but can’t find any materials except the craft book. Help! Thanks Jeannette

  11. Lauren Welsh says:

    I am looking for a VBS from the early 2000s called Adventures with Jesus. It had the song Shalom and Peter and John went to pray and Paul and Silas in prison. Does this sound familiar?

  12. Ruthy says:

    Looking for 2008 group power labs VBS decorations ,posters, etc. thought I would ask Just in Case someone has them on a shelf somewhere. Thank you.

  13. Hi, I hope this is still active. Love the list of resources. I am in need of Hometown Nazareth by Group from 2011. I need to order some booklets. Please let me know if you have any resources.

  14. Chase Schwintz says:

    I can’t seem to remember the theme of my first vbs but I remember the groups being animals like elephants. any idea what theme that could be?

  15. Alicia Urban says:

    Hi, I am looking for Holyword studios and polar expedition VBS kits and hoping someone has some resources

  16. Jessie says:

    Hi I was a kid in the 90s. From Michigan. Went to Awana (cubbies to sparkies to chums, yes chums thats what our team was called) every Wednesday and did VBS almost every summer with my twin sister. I remember strongly a song with these lyrics. Trying to find out which vbs. Late 90s.
    Be strong ( be strong) and corageous. Do not be afraid. Be strong (be strong) and courageous. God is never going away!.. (I don’t remember the verses)…God is always on my side then chorus repeats. I believe its possibly or around the time of Gospel Light’s Sonrise?

  17. Ann Flavin says:

    Standard Publishing 2004 — Jesus helps you Power UP!

  18. Erika says:


    Been looking for a VBS song from the past. It goes like this…
    a a A admit to God that you are a sinner
    b b b Believe that Jesus is God’s only son
    C c c commit your life to the Lord above,
    ask him to fill you up with his love!

    Anyone know the name?

    • Miles Dahns says:

      Probably Journey off the map (2015 – Lifeway VBS) because Lifeway typically is the only company to include the lyrics “A – admit to god your a sinner a repent.
      B – Believe that Jesus is the son of God
      C – Confess your faith in Jesus Christ”

      More specifically, I remember Journey off the Map being the only one to have repeated letters like “a a Admit….”

      I hope this helped!

    • Cheryl King says:

      It was Lifeways Colossal Coaster Workd VBS from 2013 Ride of Your Life is the song

    • Olivia says:

      It’s also from 2000 vbs theme Ocean Odyssey.

    • Josiah says:

      Lifeway 1997 good news stampede.

      A admit that you are a singer, and ask him to help you become a winner
      B believe that Jesus is God’s son and that God sent Jesus to save everyone
      C commit give your life to the looorrrd and ask him to be your, Savior.
      Becoming a Christian as easy as can be, all you gotta do is learn your ABC’s

  19. Meredith Patrick says:

    I am trying to locate a VBS curriculum that was Construction themed and had a Beaver Mascot named Barnabas. I helped teach it in the mid to late 90s and cant find anything on it amywhere. I know it exsisted because I cant still sing The Barnabas Beat!

  20. Lana Boone says:

    I’m scrapbooking my son’s memories, and 2 popped up that I’m not able to identify. They were both VBS themes. One of the themes he went to in the summer of 2008, the tee looks like it says, “Power up with Jesus” and the other one has signs in the bckgrd, “Dive into his word” (with a whale), “Hold on to your faith” (with an octopus), and “Your treasure awaits you” (with a Seagull?). If anyone could help me with the “theme” of these 2, it’d be much appreciated!! Thanks!!

  21. Rodney says:

    Standard Publishing

    1991-Camp Can-Do
    1992-Team Up With Jesus
    1993 or 1994 (Come to the Party) Celebrate Jesus

    • Ben Schumin says:

      Thank you for sharing this! These were the themes that I experienced growing up, and have been looking for recordings of the songs. This will greatly help narrow my search.

  22. Cindy Bayles says:

    Here are some earlier Gospel Light VBS themes:
    1985: SonRise Island
    1986: SonLight Mountain
    1987: SonShine Patch
    1988: Wonderfaire
    1989: SonSeeker Safari
    1990: Island in the Son
    1991: Sonward Ho!

  23. Andrew France says:

    More Concordia themes (as used in Ohio, USA)

    2004- Construction, INC (featuring “Rick the Brick”)
    2005- Safari Adventure
    2006- Treasure Cove
    2007- Quest for the Truth
    2008- Power Lab

  24. Ted K says:

    I’ve been looking for years of a VBS program that had a very cleverly written operatic skit… actually, the whole program really impressed me at the time. (Sure wish I’d taken better notes at the time!) I’m thinking it would have been early 2000’s. Any ideas?

  25. Jennifer Ames says:

    I’m looking fir take the plunge materials 2007

  26. Karen Osborne says:

    Morgan, I too am looking for the VBS called Sonseeker Safari. The songs were great and during this Co-Vid Zoom teaching time I’d really like to get my hands on the music.

  27. Yolanda Ross says:

    I am looking for a carnival theme for a VBS carnival theme. It doesn’t matter if it is old. I just want to do a carnival theme for VBS 2020.

    • Amy says:

      I realize your request was a couple of years ago, but I thought I would share with you what I found. Oriental Trading has a Carnival Theme, called Under the Big Top that I just purchased. It’s simple but the lessons are good.

  28. Amy Winslow says:

    Anyone remember a VBS themed on beatitudes from the 1990s? One of the songs contained the words “Be humble, don’t mumble, don’t stumble, or grumble. Watch out or you will tumble and crumble.”

    Also “it’s fun to have a Beatitude attitude, seen from our heavenly fathers point of view”.
    I’m trying to locate the songs.

    • Josiah says:

      I want the attitudes, be.. Attitudes. I want the world to see that Jesus lives in me, i want the attitudes…

    • Jessica Gow-Lee says:

      I would LOVE to get my hands on this VBS as well… the one that has “It’s fun to have a beatitude attitude, seeing from our heavenly Father’s point of view. Well done, is what He’ll say to you, when you have a beatitude attitude deep in you.” If anyone knows how to get the program and materials from this VBS, LET ME KNOW!!! 509-851-7976

  29. Tim Gerber says:

    Is there anyone out there who did the Lifeway GAME ON VBS back in 2018, that might still have the sheet music to the theme song? It should be in the VBS 2018 Music Book that is hard copy, but Lifeway doesn’t sell it anymore. 🙁 Thanks for any help you might could give.

  30. Morgan says:

    I’m looking for a theme in the early mid 90’s that was Safari themed. Thank you!

    • Becca says:

      I too am looking for Safari theme.
      I remember the song, “come along on a Sonseeker Safari, come along on a safari with me”…

      • Daniel says:

        That’s the one I’m looking for. Any luck?

      • Teresa b says:

        Gospel Light

      • Lindsey says:

        This song has been stuck in my head for years. 1989 gospel light. I’m still looking for the song tho

      • Mary says:

        Oh wow. I was just googling those lyrics. I wish I could find the song! Or which year they were from. The late 80s or early 90s, I believe.

      • Rebecca says:

        Come on along on a – SonSeeker Safari! Come seek the Son on safari with me.

        A journey never-ending adventure just begun, we’re learning to know God, the Bible as our guide.

        Come on along on a SonSeeker Safari, come seek the Son on safari with me.

  31. Christy Allen says:

    What year was Hooked on Jesus? I didn’t see that one? I still remember the theme song!

  32. Michalee Christy says:

    I LOVE Cokesbury theme 2000 that focused on the Arts. One of the theme songs was “I am a Masterpiece.” Does anyone have info on this VBS and where I can find it?

  33. Mitchell says:

    Does anyone remember Adventures of the Treasure Seekers? 2006, maybe.

    • Barbara Schmidt says:

      Dear Mitchell,
      I just read your email because I’m trying to sort and organize hundreds of old church pictures and was looking for the theme “Circle G Ranch”. Anyway, I do remember “Adventure of the Treasure Seekers” because I have a stack of pictures from that event. It was 2006 and I think the curriculum came from Cokesbury but they don’t list it as such. The puppet was an owl, and we had sand in a wheelbarrow where treasure was dug.
      Probably way to late to help you but here you are.
      Barbara S

  34. Brian says:

    RBP 2002 Space Station 2002: Exploring Our Awesome God
    RBP 2003 Trailblazing Pioneers 2003
    RBP 2004 Castle Kids: Choosing to Serve the King
    RBP 2008 DinoDetectives: Digging for God’s Truth
    RBP 2009 Polar Extremes: All Out for God
    RBP 2010 SeaQuest: Diving for God’s Treasure
    RBP 2011 Rev It Up: Full Throttle For God

    Some of these I participated in personally, as a child or as a helper. I have items with the name of the VBS theme printed. Others are ones I researched extensively based on memories. Some are merely researched on the Internet.
    A fantastic church website exists with their photos of the different VBSs they ran:

  35. Rebecca Jacobs says:

    I am looking for the music from 1993 Trail of Treasures- “My Father’s Child”Words and Music by Dennis & Nan Allen. Does anyone have or know where I can get this? I have googled the writers but it is mostly from their newer music.

  36. I am desperately looking for a song from 2006 Gospel Light VBS, Son Treasure Island. I can find several videos of the song on You Tube. It seems to be called two different names “Before All Time” and/or “God Loves You and Me”. I need the music CD. Or can someone tell me if there is a legal way to capture the music from the videos? It appears that Gospel Light might have reused this these or the song in 2014. Ay help would be immensely appreciated.

  37. Ariana says:

    Gospel light
    2010 – SonQuest Rainforest
    2011 – SonSurf Beach Bash
    2012 – SonRise National Park
    2013 – SonWest Roundup

  38. cherie king says:

    Someone did Kingdom Cappers

  39. Jan says:

    Looking for Bogard Press 2017 Redeemer teachers books

  40. Rose says:

    looking for 2009 crocodile dock kit

  41. Patsy Bean says:

    Found a bobs booklet hiding on top of a heat vent in our church where we are doing remodel, there is no date when it was published. The title is Pioneers of faith. Publisher is Zondervan.

  42. Kathy says:

    Group had one in the early 90’s “promise builders”. I think – anyone remember that? I still get the chorus of God’s Got A Plan . . Working in the world today. – it was kind of rap

    • Freddy Martin says:

      Gotta keep our eyes out for that one. Thanks, Kathy.

    • Elizabeth says:

      I went to this one as a kid! My first VBS was definitely construction themed.

      I still get these lyrics in my head sometimes., this was probably over 30 years ago now!

      “We’re building promises one by one! Not gonna stop till we get it done.
      Led by the light of God’s only Son,
      We’re building promises one by one.

      We’re the promise builders
      As you can see (?)
      Our worth is stamped with a guarantee
      Were the promise builders…
      Cmon and join the crew!
      We’re building promises!! (Shout)”

  43. Adriana says:

    I’m looking for a VBS song from my past but I don’t know what publisher, what year, or what the VBS program was even called. The song is called “The VBS Workout” and we did it in the 90s. My church played that song every year as the start of our program but recently the cassette has gone missing. Does anyone know this song?

  44. Wendell Prescott says:

    HI all…
    I am in need of the music for Circle G Ranch 2005. I can not find it anywhere.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    • Freddy Martin says:

      Hi Wendell, We couldn’t find it either, but here’s a video with pretty clean audio on 3 of the songs.

      Hope you find what you’re looking for. 🙂

      • Wendell Prescott says:

        This was a very good video with music…. We actually used Circle G in 2005 and I had everything except the music which someone borrowed and
        never returned. You just gotta have the music! I have been lucky enough to find Groups Avalanche Ranch from 2007 . Still searching for the Bible Point posters though.
        Thanks again for your help…

  45. Crystal Dunn Jones says:

    Standard in 2013 was God’s Backyard Bible Camp. The Construction Zone was earlier than that.

    Here are more Bogard Press:
    2014:Cross Canyon Trail
    2015:Camp Courageous
    2016:The Conquerors
    2017:The Redeemer

  46. Abbey Meuter says:

    2007 Gospel Light- Son Force Kids

  47. Michelle says:

    Does anyone remember a dinosaur VBS from around 2008? I have searched the Internet and cannot find anything about this one.

  48. Jennifer says:

    Joy Trek – 1989. I’ve been searching the internet for song clips and I can’t find anything. I googled the lyrics I could remember and this pdf of a newspaper from 1989 came up! I love the internet!…/222617/Santa_Anna_1989_06_22.pdf

  49. Laura Morell says:

    I’m looking for WordAction “Action Heroes” VBS 2006. We really want to have this theme this year. Please let me know if you have the materials, teachers books, activity books for the student, banner, Bible memory posters etc.

    Please, Please, Please

    • Freddy Martin says:

      Hi Laura. Thanks for asking. We did a search but didn’t find very much out there for it. It appears to have been a limited publishing. We just found one video that went with it. We’d be happy to do your t-shirts for you. We can create custom designs to match any theme you do.

      Call us at 888.980.4827 to get started. 🙂

  50. Becky Morris says:

    Looking for a VBS title (2003-2005) the “camp name” was something like CAMP IWILLAGOWAY, meaning I Will Go God’s Way. I would like to know the correct spelling of the “camp name” and who published it. The theme was a study of David as I recall. thank you!

    • Freddy Martin says:

      Hi Becky. Wow, you’ve stumped us. We’ll keep looking. If you find out or remember, don’t leave us hanging. We’d love to add it to the list.

  51. Marrie says:

    I’m searching for any Lifeway VBS music cd’s from past themes/years.

  52. Kate Warner says:

    I directed a bunch mainly Gospel Light
    1991 Sonward Ho
    1992 Son Mountain
    1993 Amazing Journey to Bible Times
    1994 Son Farm
    1995 Sontown
    1996 Kingdom of th Son
    1997 Sonrise
    1998 Sonlight Island
    1999 SonCastle Faire
    In 2000 we did a Standard one called Road Rally Praises
    2001 Soncreek Junction
    2002 SonCanyon River
    2003 SonHarvest
    2004 SonGames
    2005 Kingdom of the Son ( repeat)
    2006 SonTreasure Island
    In 2007 switched to Standard again for Take the Plunge with Jesus
    2008 Sonworld Adventure Park
    2009 SonRock Kids Camp
    After that I’ve lost the records but we did several from Group I know we did Weird Animals. And Everest

    • Freddy Martin says:

      What an amazing collection of info, Kate! Thank you.

    • Jill Mackie says:

      2000 gospellight was SonZone (science lab), 2007 I also used another publisher, 2010 was SonQuest rainforest, 2011 was Sonsurf Beach Bash, 2012 was SonHarvest County Fair (repeat). After that I retired.

    • Jill Mackie says:

      2000 was SonZone (science lab), 2007 I also went with a different publisher, 2010 was SonQuest Rainforest, 2011 was SonSurf Beach Bash, 2012 I did SonHarvest repeat, after that I retired!

    • Kathy Cooper says:

      Did you ever do gospel light SonSurf beach bash? I Am in need of the music leader and assembly materials. I’ve foseen Indy some YouTube videos of other programs but really need the actual music leader pack. Truly appreciate any assistance. Thank you.

    • D. Scott says:

      Gospel Light 2000: SonZone Discovery Center

  53. Kathy Wagner says:

    Standard had a construction zone, trying to remember a
    Jungle type theme love vbs

    • Freddy Martin says:

      That’s right, Kathy! It was called Construction Zone in 2013. And the jungle one you’re thinking of was “Jungle Safari – Kids Explore the Nature of God!” Thanks for the help.

  54. Mac says:

    Anyone know where I can get a Camp Can Do shirt? Thanks.

  55. Florence Drake says:

    Hi I am looking for jungle stuff

  56. Florence Drake says:

    I am looking for jungle ideas

  57. Delaine Ford says:

    I am looking for Bible points posters and treasure verse posters from 2007 Avalanche Ranch VBS

  58. Abbey says:

    1991 or 1992 Group was Son Mountain a camp theme

  59. Candy Moser says:

    There was a VBS one year that was about different countries does anybody remember the name of it?

  60. Kelly says:

    I am looking for the music from, “The Ultimate Adventure” VBS from the late 1990’s. Can anyone help direct me?

  61. Marsha says:

    Is there a way to get old VBS kits? Looking especially at 2003 Scuba or 1999 Treasure Hunt

  62. Tracy Stokes says:

    1996-Vacation Bible Ship
    1997-Wild Frontier
    1998-Space Mission

  63. Glee Smith says:

    How can I get a copy of the Jerusalem Marketplace? My daughter was 7 when she went to a church in Texas with that theme. She still remembers every song & talks about that VBS VERY often.

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  1. […] I don’t remember the first VBS I ever directed, which should have been in 2003. I found this awesome list of past VBS themes from different publishers! I went through the list, but sadly none of the […]

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