Coloring Page VBS Shirt

A Coloring Page VBS Shirt:  Sally in Alabama had the amazing idea of creating a white T-Shirt with just the black and white outline of her VBS design and then she is going to have the kids color and decorate their shirts as part of craft time! It’s like a coloring page right on your VBS T-Shirt!  This is genius for so many reasons…

First,  she saved about $2.00 per shirt from what she would have spent to make these with full color on a brightly colored shirt.  Second, she created a craft that the kids are going to love….  What’s better than wearing your craft home!  Third, each one of these children is going to be able to participate in creating part of their VBS, they are going to love it!

I can’t wait to see how they come out!…. to the left is a picture of the shirts we created for her, before the real artists have been able to do their coloring work.   Hopefully I can convince her to send us some pictures of what they look like after the kids have made them their own.

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